CoolCraig enters the ring as we come on the air. Cool - Last week was an eventful week here in WOW, so I've got a lot to talk about. You see we are just 3 weeks away from our next PPV, Cooler Heads Prevail. So I have made a decision, last week Danger decided to interfere in a match between Beckie the Farmer's Daughter and Terri Gold. You see tonight Danger was set to defend her title against Beckie but I've changed things. Danger I was helping you out last week by having the two top contenders to your title beat the hell out of each other but you decided to ruin that by interjecting yourself in the match. So you will defend your title at the PPV in a triple threat elimination match Danger. That's right it will be Danger vs. Terri Gold vs. Beckie the Farmer's Daughter for the WOW title. Elimination rules, if you are pinned or you submit you are eliminated. Now we will need a number #1 contender after the PPV and that will be decided in a match at the PPV. Last week Wendi Wheels suggested a #1 contenders match to me, while we were, um talking, and I have agreed. So Wendi Wheels will face Riot at Cooler Heads Prevail to determine our next #1 contender. But this won't be a regular match, this will be a ladder match. The first one to climb the ladder and grab the contract will win the match. Finally last week I thought I had made a deal with the Beach Patrol to take out Caged Heat. I was going to make the Beach Patrol the biggest stars in WOW if they could take out Caged Heat. They couldn't do it even though they had the element of surprise working for them. They disguised themselves as the Daughters of Darkness and still couldn't get the job done. So tonight the Beach Patrol will be punished. Tonight the Beach Patrol will take on the real Daughters of Darkness. And unforunately because of the Beach Patrol's failure to win last week Caged Heat will get a tag team title shot tonight against Lana Star and Patti Pizzazz. Jane Blond vs. Jungle Grrrl - Jungle Grrrl attempts a missile dropkick to start off the match but Jane moves out of the way and climbs to the top. Jungle Grrrl makes it back to her feet and hits a superplex for a two count. She whips Jane off the ropes and Jane leapfrogs and hits a dropkick. Jane takes Jungle Grrrl down with an armbar but Jungle Grrrl fights her way to her feet and hits a bodyslam. Jungle Grrrl then dropkicks Jane and follows with a suplex for two. Jungle Grrrl continues on the offensive and hits the Jungle Driver followed by the top rope splash to win the match. Jungle Grrrl grabs the microphone and says "Listen, I think that I should be the #1 contender but I don't even get the opportunity at the Pay Per View. I deserve a chance and I'm not leaving till I get one." CoolCraig on WOW Vision "You had a chance Jungle Grrrl and you blew it. But you know what, I'll give you another opportunity. If you can beat Wendi Wheels next week and Riot the week after that, I will make the #1 contenders match at Cooler Heads Prevail a Triple Threat Ladder Match!" CoolCraig meets up with Hammerin' Heather Steele. Cool - Hammerin' Heather, I've been looking for you. I need your help, I need you to remove the old lock from the Caged Heat holding cell. You see I don't have the key to the cell so I'm going to put this new lock on the cell so we can hold them until their match tonight. Can you do that? Heather - Sure that won't be a problem at all. (she leaves) Cool - Good, very good! Hahaha! Beach Patrol vs. Daughters of Darkness - The Daughters take advantage of the Beach Patrol's waving to the fans and attack them from behind. They hit Sandy with a double elbow. Then they try to whip the Beach Patrol into each other but it is reversed and the Daughters crash into each other. The Beach Patrol both hit dropkicks that knocks the Daughters out of the ring. Mystery comes in a Summer hits a drop toe hold to take her down. Summer goes for the surfboard and Misery comes in and kicks her. Sandy comes in and both Daughter's get catapulted into each other. Summer and Sandy both lock in the surfboards. The Daughters are finally released and Beach Patrol both whip Misery into the ropes, they miss a double clotheline but Misery clothelines them both down. The Daughters take advantage of this and work on Summer with various kicks and punches. Eventually Summer makes the tag to Sandy and Sandy dropkicks both Daughters. Beach Patrol with a double whip and Summer hits a drop toe hold followed by Sandy delivering an elbow to win the match. Caged Heat arrive and CoolCraig locks them in the holding cell and puts the key in his pocket. Poison vs. Ice Cold - As a bald Ice Cold makes her way down the aisle she screams into the camera "Poison you did this to me! Now you're going to pay!" As soon as Poison steps through the curtain Ice Cold runs up the ramp and attacks her. They brawl down the ramp and around the ringside area. They finally make it into the ring but fight right out the other side of the ring. Ice slams Poison's head into the ringpost and into the announcers table. Ice places Poison on the announcers table and climbs to the ring apron. Ice tries and elbow but Poison moves and Ice goes through the table. Poison picks her up and throws her into the steel barricade. Poison charges Ice Cold and Ice flips her over the barricade and they brawl through the crowd and disappear. Caged Heat vs. Lana/Patti - Lana and Patti make their way to the ring accompanied by CoolCraig. Caged Heat are announced and their music starts but they do not appear. WOW Vision shows them still locked in the holding cell and the guard cannot open the lock. CoolCraig holds the key up in the air and laughs. He makes an announcement "If Caged Heat do not make it to the ring in one minute they will forfeit this title match!" Suddenly Hammerin' Heather appears with some bolt cutters she says "I knew he'd try something sneaky" and cuts the lock off the cell. Caged Heat rush out of the cage and into the ring. Lana tries to run away but Loca grabs her and tosses her into the ring. Caged Heat whip Lana and Patti into each other. Patti gets the Hart Attack and Lana gets the "whassup" headbutt. Caged Heat clothesline Lana over the top and out of the ring and hit the Capital Punishment (3D) on Patti. Loca makes the cover and the win the match and the tag team titles. As Caged Heat celebrate, CoolCraig and Lana try to attack but Hammerin' Heather runs to the ring and grabs Lana's mirror before she can use it. Lana goes after Heather but gets tossed out of the ring. Caged Heat take down CoolCraig and he gets the "whassup" headbutt as we go off the air.